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This is my blog/forum for posting pretty much anything.

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Welcome to ColdStardust´s forum!

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1Welcome to ColdStardust´s forum! Empty Welcome to ColdStardust´s forum! Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:34 am



Welcome to my forum. This is also considered my homepage. Here you can read things I have to say as well as post and discuss them if you so wish.

The rules for the site can be viewed here. It is recommended by all users of the site that at some point they review the rules, so that one cannot say that they didn´t know what the rules were, even though I prefer to use what I call the Banningtific Method, meaning that I give fair warnings before banning someone.

There are specific sub-forums of the site which this post will inform you of:

This is the forum you are in right now, in case you haven´t already noticed. This forum´s purpose is for posts specifically having to do with our site (the forum).

Plans for Projects:
This is the sub-forum where we will be informing you of plans for ColdStardust´s projects. These usually refer to large projects, such as
This is the forum you are in right now, in case you haven´t already noticed. This forum´s purpose is for posts specifically having to do with our site (the forum).

Plans for Projects:
This is the sub-forum where we will be informing you of plans for ColdStardust´s projects. These usually refer to large projects, such as TASes, speedruns, or videos in general that will take a long time to put together.

Protests and Complaints:
There are a lot of things I don´t like or agree with about the world, and here is my place to post my opinions to share my reasoning with the world.

Anything Else:
Well, what does it look like? This sub-forum is for anything that does not go in these categories. Believe it or not, this sub-forum will probably have the most posts out of all of the sub-forums on this site!

Spam Box:
You can post pretty much whatever you want here, unless it is prohibited in the rules for this sub-forum. This sub-forum is specifically used for all prohibited material that is posted on this site as well as a free-posting-corner for everyone who comes here.

Non-Administrator Section:
This sub-forum is where anyone besides me can post topics of their own. You can make your own topic on this forum, but only if it is posted in this sub-forum.

About Me:
Please read this to see who I describe myself as.

Contact Me:
My contact information is listed here.

Have you ever felt attracted to an animated character? Did you ever think a character was just so cute or so sexy you just wanted to squeeze them? Ever wished you could tell people this, but you thought people would think you were crazy? Well, check out the forum just for you, Cartoon Crushes, at my friend!

Here you can register for free just by pressing the Register button.
If you´re going to make an account, PLEASE POST SOMETHING! Seriously, we´re tired of account wasters.
Anyway, have fun!

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