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I was banned from TASVideos, and I protest!

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At :
FractalFusion wrote:Judging from ColdStardust's history, he has begged for second chances at least twice before. He has freely "admitted" to trolling (and being banned from) sites before, including this site as well as According to Mothrayas, he has also personally "admitted" to trolling from the ColdStardust account and he has attempted to libel some known SM64 TASers in no uncertain terms (that post has been removed from public viewing).

He has also caused confusion on this site by repeated attempts to implement and discuss "multiple users of ColdStardust" as well as
deleting the content of his own posts. He has posted mostly off-topic material and has hardly contributed anything of worth to this community.

ColdStardust is now banned from this site (most likely permanently).

To users of this site: Please avoid responding to bait posts. You will know when a post is this when you see it.
Now before I begin I must say that FractalFusion just basically denounced me in front of the entire TAS community for the most ridiculous bull which is stated above. I must secondly say that I had no ban warnings; NO BAN WARNINGS; whatsoever. I would have had no way of knowing I was doing something wrong, assuming that I WAS doing something wrong, if no one had warned me first. Someone could have come along at some point and said "This isn´t right. Don´t do that again."
Although, guess what? No one did that. It´s like getting a student expelled from a school for something he/she had no idea whatsoever about and wasn´t even given a warning about it. Ridiculous.
Also notice that FractalFusion is referring to me as "he" constantly in this message. I am a girl. That also kind of upsets me, but it´s not too surprising because of all the faults that came along with this already.

Now let´s look at TASVideos´ rules.
Ah. I see exactly what this adds up to.
TASVideos´ rules wrote:All posts and messages must remain civilized.
Posts and messages that are or become uncivil are not allowed. The extent of civility (or lack thereof) is determined both by situation and by moderator opinion. Moderators may lock topics that become uncivil. Moderators may also edit or delete offensive posts.

Disruptive posting is not allowed. This includes spamming, making multiple useless topics or posts, or repeatedly going off-topic in a topical thread. In extreme cases, disruptive members will be banned.
It says that "all posts are to remain civilized" and that "making multiple useless topics or posts" is considered disruptive posting.
It also says that in EXTREME cases, "disruptive" members will be banned.

THAT is the part where I disagree.
Now how is THIS an EXTREME case??? You know what I would consider an EXTREME case? Violent threats, extreme and annoying obvious spamming, and AFTER YOU ARE GIVEN A FAIR WARNING to keep on doing the thing you were JUST warned fairly not to do.

Therefore if you look at it from this angle, this is NOT an extreme case, because I didn´t make any violent threats, spam, or even GET a warning before I was banned.

Now I´m starting to think that the TASVideos admins/moderators just love clicking the ban button because the words on the screen that say "Banned User" are so fascinating and that they are just banning people for the fun of it. That was rather exaggerating, but they might as well be doing that, because of all the reasoning I just mentioned above.

Furthermore, before banning a person, it is always best to use the banningtific method, so you can know when and how to ban your target fairly.

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Here you can register for free just by pressing the Register button.
If you´re going to make an account, PLEASE POST SOMETHING! Seriously, we´re tired of account wasters.
Anyway, have fun!

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