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My Phone/Phone Number

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1My Phone/Phone Number Empty My Phone/Phone Number Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:06 pm



The purpose of this post is to give the necessary information about my phone and my phone number to people who wish to contact me this way or who just want to know because of curiosity.

My phone number is (+1) {redacted}.


Country Code (+1):
My country is that of the United States, therefore my country code is +1. You don´t have to dial the country code along with the number if you live anywhere within the 50 states of the United States, anywhere within Puerto Rico, or anywhere within Canada.

Area Code:
My area code is that of the Upstate region of the US state of South Carolina, although I do in fact live in the Northwest region of Ohio. If you are in the same region as this phone number is from, you can in certain cases go without dialing the area code of my phone number.


If you are to contact {redacted}, you must abide by these rules:
1.) Do not purposefully make detrimental action toward this number.
2.) Do not contact this number if your number is not from within the 50 states of the United States of America or Puerto Rico. If your number is not from within the 50 states, Puerto Rico, or Canada, I doubt it is even possible that texts or calls will go through. Although, if your number is a Canadian number, do not text this number. Also, if you are outside of these 3 given areas and your text or call actually happens to go through, this is also prohibited.
There is reasoning for this rule. It costs me lots of extra money to call or text foreign numbers, and my parents strictly told me not to. This is not a free phone.

If you do not follow these simple rules, your actions may result in you or your party being reported to Verizon Wireless, or in extreme cases, the police.

Have you ever felt attracted to an animated character? Did you ever think a character was just so cute or so sexy you just wanted to squeeze them? Ever wished you could tell people this, but you thought people would think you were crazy? Well, check out the forum just for you, Cartoon Crushes, at my friend!

Here you can register for free just by pressing the Register button.
If you´re going to make an account, PLEASE POST SOMETHING! Seriously, we´re tired of account wasters.
Anyway, have fun!

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